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My Quiet Time Routine

Do you have a routine for your quiet time? Something you do every time you read the Bible or study God's word? Me too. Here it is.

How do you spend your quiet time with God? Do you sit at your kitchen table or the couch? Do you sit on your outdoor patio or maybe even go to Starbucks to enjoy a nice cup of coffee while you spend time with the Lord?

My quiet time routine has changed over the years, and I find that it's really based on my current job or location of residence. It even changed between college, graduating college and even learning what it looks like in my marriage.

“As you draw nearer to the Lord, He will guide you to become the best version of yourself." - M. Russell Ballard

Quiet time with the Lord is such an important part of our Christian walks. So, I want to share my routine with y'all in hopes that it will either encourage you to find your routine or even help you in your routine.

6 Steps I Take During My Quiet Time:

1. Before I begin. I usually prepare my heart and mind for what I'm about to do. I begin to listen to worship music and usually put my phone on silent and flip it over so I won't be distracted by the light of my phone screen going off. I also usually fill up my water cup if it's empty so that I don't have to leave the space I'm in during my quiet time and find other distractions.

2. Set the scene. I have found that my favorite place to spend time with God is in my bed. Living in Florida right now, Austin and I have been able to sleep with the windows of our apartment open, so I wake up to the sun which instantly puts me in a better mood. My favorite time of day to have my quiet time is in the morning when I wake up. I keep my Bible, devotional book, and journal with pens close to my bed. I fix the blankets on the bed and then set up my books and Bible the way I like them, and choose a color of pen for the day to take notes and write stuff down.

3. Sing one worship song. I usually find one worship song from my "Jesus Jams" playlist on Spotify to sing as I get ready to begin my quiet time with the Lord. I have always loved worship and it really puts me in the right mindset and prepares my heart to hear what the Lord has to say to me that day.

4. Open my devotional book. Right now, I am doing a devotional book that has a specific devotional set for me to read each day. It is called, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" from Our Daily Bread. So, I open up the book to the correct date, and just go along with the devotional. It starts with Bible reading, so I read the verses listed to go along with the devotional. I dig into the word of God, and I usually read it more than once. Then I go through the reading in my devotional book, which I also usually read more than once. I underline, highlight, box, circle... basically anything you can think of. I make notes everywhere and really try to dig in to what I'm learning that day.

5. Journal. I love journaling. I love writing. I even write out my prayers. I usually write the date and the title of the devotional at the top of my journal page. Then I write down the Bible verses that went along with that devotional. I don't write out the entire passage, but I do write down the verses that stuck out to me. Sometimes, that's only one verse and sometimes it's 5 verses. I usually write down why they meant something to me or what I think they mean. Then I write down some quotes from my devotional book that stood out to me or meant something to me. Then, the very last thing I do is write down my prayer. I thank God for what He has done, I thank Him for the life He gave me. I write down my requests and desires. I write down everything on my heart that day, and I always thank God for the day ahead of me and ask Him to guide my footsteps, thoughts, and speech so that others may see Him through me. I ask Him to help me be a Kingdom mover.

6. Worship. After I finish my devotional, I begin to go about my day. Sometimes that means getting ready for work and sometimes that means cleaning the apartment. Each day is different, but I always try to sing worship songs and praise the Lord for about an hour. Whether I am doing the dishes or doing my hair/makeup, I am usually listening to worship music. I love worship music.

Quiet time with the Lord is very important. It puts me in such a better mood and mindset for the entire day when I am able to spend time with the Lord in the morning. I pray that when you have your quiet time, you are able to fully focus on what the Lord wants to say to you.

I would LOVE to hear about your quiet time routine. Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email about what you do during your quiet time.


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