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Jesus in the midst of an election.

Let's chat about loving our neighbors - especially this week.

Hmm. Friends. I am having a hard time with this blog post.

Why? Wellllll.

  1. It's political. I hate being political in anything I may post on my social pages.

  2. I really don't want to debate with everyone about this blog post.

  3. I am definitely not an expert on anything I post. I'm not an expert politician or an expert Christian. That makes this tricky sometimes.

It's election week.

A BIG election week.

I know that every election is important. I mean, we're voting over who should be America's voice. We're voting in the person that we believe will lead this nation in the best of their ability.

But this election feels different.

Maybe it's because I'm older, and am noticing more things. But these election just feels heavy.

America seems more divided now than ever. It is so easy to find a reason to disagree with someone. It seems so ordinary to disagree these days. It's become the norm.

But, why?

Why is it normal to tear someone down? Why is it normal to not show someone love? Why is it normal to argue on a Facebook post over different opinions?

I'm going to be really honest. I didn't want to go to church today. I just wanted to stay home and sit on my couch in my comfy pants and oversized sweatshirt and watch church online today. But Austin told me no. And now, I'm grateful.

Today, our pastor talked about loving your neighbor. He talked about how difficult this is to do, especially in the midst of an election. He spoke from Matthew 5:43-48. It states, "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect".

Now, obviously nobody can be as perfect as our heavenly Father. Nobody can even come close to matching the perfection of our Abba. But we can sure as heck try.

Jesus showed love to everyone. He prayed for everyone. Even as he was hanging on a cross, while people mocked him, and beat him, and spit on him, he said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34).

umm, what.

I think that can be really hard for some of us to comprehend. I know that personally I would never think of praying for the person hurting me. I would never think to myself, "Hmm, now seems like a really good time to pray for this person that is breaking my heart". But that's the problem. If I want to be like Jesus, I need to think that. If I want to love like Jesus, I need to think that.

When you think of your enemy, who comes to mind? Maybe your boss? Maybe an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend? Maybe the parent who was never there for you? Maybe the neighbor down the street with a political sign that differs from yours?

What if we decided to show them love because Jesus shows us love? As Christians, we are supposed to be the salt and light. We are supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus. But when did that stop? If we walked the walk as much as we talked the talk, wouldn't church pews be full? Wouldn't the church look more like a hospital? The church would be a place where the sick would come to be healed. It would be a place where the outcasts come to find love.

What if, and hear me out... What if we stopped arguing over politics? What if we stopped tearing people down? What if we stopped telling people they're stupid simply because their opinion is different than ours?

If we're called to love, then let's love.

It's really that simple. Love God. Love others. The slogan for my blog is "Let everything you do be done in love". I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm perfect at love. I get an attitude about things. I get an attitude about people. I suck at showing love sometimes.

But friends, this world needs love now more than ever.

This world needs JESUS now more than ever.

In all honesty, there are days where I'm like, "God, where the heck are you?". He seems reaaaallllyyyy far away sometimes. It can be really difficult to lose hope, especially in the midst of a heavy election.

But don't lose hope. Do not fear. God's in control. He always has been, and always will be.

Let's choose to show love. Every moment. Every day.

Simply, love.


Perfectly Pursued is a resource for women of faith to be encouraged in life and their walk with Christ. Our goal is to encourage women to live in pursuit of God and to be pursued by God. It's a place where everyone is welcome. It's a community. Sis, you are welcome and you are so love.

- D


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