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Obedience is Vital

Are you struggling with doing something that God is asking you to do? Read below for some encouragement to do that very thing.

There was a woman. She was driving home one night after being gone on a girl's trip. She was so excited to see her husband and kids and couldn't wait to get home to them. She was listening to her usual worship music on the radio, and thinking about all the things that God has blessed her with. She was thanking the Lord for everything He has done, when all of a sudden she felt a tug on her heart. She was almost home, so she didn't really pay much attention to it. But then, it came again. This time it was fiercer and more evident. She asked God what He wanted her to do or what He was trying to say to her. "Go into the gas station coming up on your right and do a headstand in front of the soda machine".

She was so confused. Why did God want her to do that? What was the importance of that? She would certainly look like a fool and people would think she is weird. The gas station was quickly approaching though, so she asked, "God, why do you want me to do that?". Again she heard, "Go into the gas station coming up on your right and do a headstand in front of the soda machine". She pulled into the parking lot of the gas station and sat in her car for a minute. God doesn't ask people to do anything without a plan and purpose, and she knew that. She got out of her car, walked into the gas station, stood in front of the soda machine, and did a headstand. What felt like forever was probably just a quick 15 second headstand. She got back on her feet and began to walk out of the gas station.

"Wait", she heard. She looked over and the gas station clerk behind the counter was sobbing. She stopped and walked over to the counter. The clerk continued sobbing and said, "Why did you do that?". She had one answer. "God told me to", she said. The clerk managed to pull himself together to share why he was sobbing. "I was at the end of my rope. I felt defeated and alone. I was so far gone that I was going to commit suicide tonight after work. I didn't think the world needed me or that I was important. I didn't think anyone cared if I lived. My family doesn't talk to me and I have almost no friends. 20 minutes ago, I was praying to God or whatever I may have believed in. I asked that He would send a sign. I said, 'God, if someone comes into this gas station and does a headstand in front of the soda machine, I'll know that you are real and I won't kill myself'. I didn't think anything would come of this or happen. It was kind of a joke, honestly. But then you walked in. I watched you walk over to the soda machine and do a headstand. Because of you, I know that God is real and I am not going to commit suicide tonight".

The woman stood there, silent and shocked. Tears began streaming down her face. She was overcome with emotions. Her obedience to God, no matter how ridiculous she felt, saved someone's life. She prayed with the man, he gave his life to Jesus, and he began going to church with her family on Sunday mornings.

WOW. What a story, right? Has God ever asked you to do something, but you feel ridiculous doing it? I know that I have questioned something that God wants me to do in fear of what others will say or do.

Somebody, somewhere is depending on you to do what God has called you to do.

You could change someone's life. You could make a difference in somebody's life by doing what God asked you to do. Your obedience to God could be vital to someone's life. Why do you hesitate to do something God calls you to do?

Be obedient. Do what God says. You literally could change someone's life.

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22.

Do what God calls you to do. Don't be scared or live in fear. No matter how crazy it may seem, God has a purpose and plan behind what He asks us to do. Do headstands in front of the soda machine. Do whatever God asks of you.



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