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Who He Says You Are

A short poem I wrote late at night because I couldn't sleep and Jesus was speaking to me. Nothing fancy. He literally took over my hands as I typed to get this message out to you today.

Some days I feel invisible; like nobody cares or sees the real me.

Some days I feel loved; like my voice matters, like I'm heard.

Each day is different.

I wake up and it's there.

The feeling.

It changes my entire attitude of the day, even though I don't try to let it.

Will it be good? Will it be bad?

Will I be seen? Will I be heard?

It's in these moments that You surround me with Your love.

You wrap me up in Your arms and say, "Child, you're not alone".

You remind me that I'm Yours, that I don't have to pretend.

In You, I'm seen. I'm heard. I'm valued.

Your steadfast presence scoops me up and You write on my heart with an everlasting love.

You see me.

The real me.

You see my flaws. You see my sin.

Yet, You call me Yours.

I'm made free in You, for You sacrificed everything for me.

It seems like an unfair trade.

That you would give up your life knowing my deepest secrets and sins.

That you would be mocked, judged and criticized for something You didn't do.

You took my place.

You died on the tree.

You did it all for me.

You don't mock me.

You don't judge me.

You don't criticize me.

You look at my heart, and say "I forgive".

Then at the snap of Your fingers, my sin is forgotten.

Not only that, it's forgiven.

I'm clean.

Set free.

In You.

You say I'm free, so why do I disagree?

Why do I fight Your love?

Why do I let sin win?

Why do I give in to temptation?

Why do You come back to me every single time?

What did I do to deserve Your love?

No matter who I am, or what situation I'm in, I'm never alone.

God is in me.

God is with me.

Don't fight His steadfast love.

Don't fight His promise.

Don't fight His word.

Embrace Him with open arms.

We are undeserving of Him, but He never gives up on us.

Why do we give up on Him?

Maybe you're a lot like me.

You don't understand how a God of love can embrace you after everything you've done.

You don't understand what you did to deserve the grace and forgiveness that will set you free.

Maybe you tried it once, but decided it wasn't worth it.

That faith wasn't for you.

Because if God is so good and so loving, why do bad things happen?

Why didn't anything change?

After all, you prayed over and over.

You prayed fiercely.

You cried out to God for help.

But nothing.


Nothing changed.

Your loved one still died.

Your marriage still failed.

So, you stopped believing.

You found your relief in an empty vodka bottle or in pills that have become an addiction.

Maybe you found your relief in hurting yourself or someone you loved.

Cut after cut and bruise after bruise, you find that there is still a void.

You keep going.

You keep drinking.

You keep popping pills.

You keep cutting.

You keep fighting.

You keep abusing.

But nothing changes, does it?

There's only one thing that can fill this void.

An unspeakable love and grace.

His name is Jesus.

He sees all.

He forgives all.

He forgives you.

Time after time.

He doesn't question why you did it.

He doesn't make fun of you for it.

He doesn't look at your scars and say, "No, not this one. They're too damaged for me to save".

You're never too far gone.

You're never too far gone.

You're never too far gone.

He is still good.

He is still present.

He is still loving.

His presence will surround you if you'll let it.

Stop fighting the one thing that can heal all.

Stop pushing Him away.

In these moments, He wraps you up in His arms and says, "Child, you're not alone".

You are His.

You don't have to pretend.

You are seen.

You are heard.

In Him.

Let Him in today.

Let Him change your life.

It's always worth it.

It will always be worth it.



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